Poradę prawną można uzyskać także osobiście w siedzibie OIP przy ul. Zielonego Dębu 22 we Wrocławiu oraz Oddziale OIP w Jeleniej Górze przy ul. Wincentego Pola 8a w godz. od 10.00 – 15.00. W razie potrzeby zostaną także uruchomione punkty z poradnictwem w Starostwie Powiatowym w Zgorzelcu.
OIP we Wrocławiu 71 37 19 411
OIP Wrocław Oddział Jelenia Góra 75 75 268 77 oraz 75 75 268 71 wew. 631
Komentarze (1)
Fascinating!a0 Unbelievable that you were over 200 lbs in that picture, and that you were wireang a size 12!a0a0You looked so toned, pulled-in and poised.a0a0It is so fortunate fora0us that youa0kept such meticulous records!a0a0Those records alone are so revealing!a0 Theya0reflect what it really takes, what really happened, and ita0is surprising to thosea0whoa0only saw the before and after picture!a0 So much happened between those shots!a0 I'm so glad you wrote it all down and decided to share it.a0 It is very inspiring and revealing at the same time.a0 The rest of the story is sometimes the biggest part of the story!!a0