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Software Development Company
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Iphone & Android Application Development for Mobile Phones

You don’t need us to tell you that mobile internet is big business. Every new smart phone seems to be capable of running apps or surfing the internet, and it’s got to the point where launching a website without considering mobile access would be foolhardy.
And that’s where we can help! Contact media can software development firm a mobile website or an application that can be downloaded; it all depends on your business’ needs.

We make your website compatible to cellphones, thereby bringing you in touch with millions of smartphone subscribers. The mobile version of the website can be viewed without hassles by using smartphones, simultaneously with the regular website. 

Mobile Phone, Smartphone, Hand, Particles, Waves  

Running and maintaining a site capable of mobile web application development is an impressive feat. It helps contribute to a business’ brand values, which in itself is important; it’s what you and your business stand for. Operating a mobile version of your website implies that your company is innovative and up-to-date.

Mobile website access allows people to access information on the move. They are easy to develop, run and maintain. Previously, people would have to be at a desk at work or at home to find out information. However, a website with mobile access means people can find out information during everyday situations. A mobile application development services gives you an advantage over your rival’s sites that don’t have mobile capabilities. The mobile access increases the chances of hits, many of which could be new users, who would be more inclined to come back.

Contact Media knows the relationship between search engines and a successful business. We design your mobile website so that your mobile site would have increased search engine optimisation from mobile search engines. Basically, this means our designs help your page get found high up in search engines, such as Google. By implementing this, Contact Media can increase the profitability of your business.

By designing mobile websites intelligently, we can make sure that a mobile user won’t be kept waiting with slow loading pages, or be frustrated when key features are broken or don’t load at all. Making sure the user experience is comparable to a normal web browser, and, if possible, tailored to a Smartphone’s functionality is the key.

Mobile Phone, Smartphone, App, Networks, Internet

There are further advantages that having a mobile website has. For us, mobile websites are easy to develop. They are better and easier to format than other web designs, such as applications, and we can theme the mobile site from your main internet site. There are also advantages for the user and software company Mobile sites are far easier to navigate and browse on. Also, when compared to apps, there is no downloading to your phone involved. By developing a mobile website, you can run databases from your phone, giving you the opportunity to work around the clock wherever you may be. Also, a website for a mobile can offer as many tools that a web based application can.

Another optional feature of our work is that we design our websites so that they automatically recognise whether the site is being viewed by a mobile browser or a computer and then display in the appropriate browser. Also, we can design the site so that you have the option of which browser to surf, in case certain features are only available on one of the browsers.

There isn’t an easier or better value way to expand your customer base; with one straightforward conversion you can access millions of new customers!
We don’t only design mobile websites; we can also design 'apps' for your business, which can help increase your website hits and, subsequently, the number of customers. Just click below for more information on our services.

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